
Wearing one of our unique CAGE100 t-shirts and matching bags doesn't just show your flair for understatement; you are also supporting the unique, international art project CAGE100. The fair trade, organic cotton bag and stylish shirt are adorned with original John Cage quotations:

Call it something else,
If the Word Music bothers you!


I have nothing to say, and I'm saying it.

CAGE100 Shirt – 12,90 EUR

Female S, M
Female S, M
Male M, L
Male M, L
Zitat vorn & hinten plus Logo auf linkem Arm
Zitat vorn & hinten plus Logo auf linkem Arm

Bag – 7,90 EUR

fair gehandelte Bio-Stofftasche
fair gehandelte Bio-Stofftasche

Shop order


Cage100 Shirt


3,90 EUR